Kézzel készített ásvány- és üveggyöngy ékszerek,Kötött és horgolt ruházat / Handcrafted Gemstone and Glass Bead Jewelry, Knitted and Crocheted Clothing
2016. 01. 01.
Gyűrű a "Samarkand" szetthez / Ring to my "Samarkand" set
I've chosen some semiprecious stones harmonizing with my set to make a ring. Pattern by Beadifulnights,you can find here.
can you fix your link for the pattern to the bracelet diamonds. it does not work. those are gorgeous! thank you
VálaszTörlési am looking for the pattern of the bracelet which might i say is gorgeous have you had time to draw the pattern yer?
VálaszTörlésThe pattern is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4exaEhYnZ5yWnpoTkhfeWtMV28/view