2020. 05. 29.

Sárga sálkendő / Yellow shawl

It's been a while since I've made anything creative. I've been searching for inspiration on all kinds of forums, but then I only had to look over my huge stash of yarns to get the kick. Maybe it's the unusually cold spring that made me think of a shawl once more, but I also wanted to try this special form. I was browsing through ponchos and shawl at DROPS design, when I met this, then this and this. So it was decided that I will make somethig similar, but I wanted my shawl to have a bigger curve., therefore made more increases at every hole row. And after changing the color for grey I wanted my shawl to be a bit more feminin, thus the frill. The last rows took more than an hour to knit eventhough belive me I'm not a slow knitter. One of my daughters confiscated it the minute it was ready and also wants to have a hat. Now I have to figure out one that will match it. Our tiles on the terrace are 30cm x30cm, so you can see the size.

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