2015. 10. 28.

"Hepehupás út" karkötő, gyűrű és nyakék / "Bumpy Road" Bracelet, Ring and Necklace

It's a simple peyote bracelet. It is only the beads that give it this special form, their size and shape mould it into a "Bumpy Road". I used seed beads, triangle beads of two sizes and large cube beads. Don't they look really awesome in these colours? 
The bracelet ...

... with the ring and the necklace ( awaiting additional leather cord).
the ring was made the same way as the bracelet. As for the necklace I had to make it lopsided to make the curve. It will be attached to a relatively short leather cord.
Pattern by Beaddict, you can find it here.

3 megjegyzés:

  1. Do you have a pattern for the Bumpy Road Bracelet? I see the pattern for the necklace but not for the bracelet.

  2. For the bracelet just do odd count one drop peyote with the same beads as the necklace. Depending how wide one you want (mine is 5 beads per row, so you start with 10 beads 11/o-s) I did not write it because you do not need to decrease or increase the number of beads, just change the bead types at the beginning of the row. Follow the next sequence:
    6 rows 11/o
    6 rows 11/o triangle
    6 rows 8/o triangle
    4 rows 4mm cube beads
    6 rows 8/o triangle
    6 rows 11/o triangle, then repeat.

    As you can count it from the pic.
    I hope it was helpful,

    Greetings from Hungary,

  3. Hello Beaddict,
    Thank you so much for showing and give tutorial of your so beautifull bracelet.
